In the past years the request of diamond wires with reduced diameter has increased for the cutting of slabs with 2 and 3 cm thickness. The multiwire machines at work are increasing each year and are able to guarantee increasing reliability. They have reached a certain number of wires that allows processing a full block in only one descent.
MOREThe diamond wire represents the ideal solution for growing and processing of marble thanks to the low prices and high productivity that it offers. In the last past years the market is moving towards the replacing of the classing wire with springs to the one safer and more practical that is the plasticized wire.
MOREDiamond wire for squaring and blocks cutting. There is not much block size limited for wire sawing compare with disk saw. The wire saw interspace is thinner and more precise than the large disk saw Wire saw cutting is more effective and relatively cheaper in long term working. By virtue of its greater and greater reliability, wire sawing technology is more and more automated & thus becomes just as productive as competing techniques.
MOREThe diamond blades are used on single blade gang saw machines to square blocks and cut thicknesses or on multi-blade gang saw machines for sawing marble slabs and stones. Thanks to its long experience matured all over the world, SIMOND has created a complete range of diamond blades suitable for many different types of gang saw used, different materials to cut, specific quality needs and cutting speeds requested by the customers.
H 647 RIICO Industrial Area,
Jaipur(Raj) 302022